Adaptec® Safety Glasses

Setting out with a new approach to safety eyewear, North by Honeywell wanted to create a product that would fit everyone. After completing a landmark eyewear research study, the company poured everything it learned into the development of the North Adaptec eyewear. The result? An adjustable eyewear system that can be worn by the widest range of workers and still deliver excellent protection, superior comfort, customized adjustability, premium optics, and a stylish look.Three sizes means the right protection, improved performance and optical clarity for everyone in your workplace. Available in Regular, Narrow, and Wide. Customized fit " performance means personalized comfort for each wearer, ensuring all-day protection and compliance with safety requirements. 4A Coating -: Anti-Fog, Anti-scratch, Anti-UV 99.9%, Anti-Static
Product #FrameLensBxQuantity
T5900LTKHSRegular - BlackClear 10/bx142.00