Fire Hooks Unlimited
The ALL-AXX is an 11 pound steel handled axe with a 6 lb. pickhead on one end and a halligan fork on the other. Designed for the roof, the 6 lb. blade can make a crevice so the fork can fit in the bulkhead door. The spike can be used as a handle to pry open the crevice or it can pull the roof open after cutting it with a saw. The top of the axe is a striking plate so you can drive the fork into the crevice if necessary. The ring can be used to rope vent windows with a half hitch on the handle....
An upgrade from the halligan type in use by the new York City Fire Department since 1948. Special carbon steel designed head, aircraft steel shaft, celtex grips, and ram knob. Over 40 years of proven service to be known as the best.
A positive aid for forcible entry made of 6061-T6 aluminum. Extra help for forcible entry.
This hook was developed to find hiddenfire in deep seated smoldering fires normally found in dumps or dempsey dumpsters. The normal hook just won't pull trash in large quantaties. Our trash hook, because of it's two large six inch pointed prongs, will grasp debris in huge chunks. Available in the following sizes: 32", 40", 4', 6', 8', 10' with D-handle.
Featuring a 4 lb. sledge face and a Rex lock puller on one end and an alternating gas shutoff/pry end head on the other, the Fire Hooks Unlimited Buster Bar is excellent for use as a solo forcible entry tool. The sanded celtex along the Buster Bar’s 14” long handle gives you a positive no-slip shock absorbing grip for greater control of the tool during use. With the Fire Hooks Unlimited Buster Bar, you’ll have the tools you need to perform successful solo forcible entries in one convenient...
A new style officers hook, this one is 24" in length and has a chisel end for prying. Made with a roof hook head and celtex grips, a "baby roof hook".
Special design for power saw use by the New York City Fire Department, by the auther of "Power Saw Use", tools #9. Designed for the NYFD for fire service ventilation as its #1 priority. Carbide tips that are twice the width and body of the blade lessen binding and increase the kerf of the cut. Blades are made of exceptional quality steel and carbide tips. Tips are attached by a patented interlock laser beam method that lessens protrusion into the gullet decreasing the risk of tooth...
Designed to break up creaosote build-up after fire is put out. The 824 is a 3 section fiberglass extension polewith a unique ram head. It extends from 8-ft to 24-ft and is made to fit any straight chimney.
DRY-WALL HOOK: A hook specifically designed for dry wall removal of all types. Can be used on other materials such as wood, plaster, sheet metal walls and ceilings. An exceptional overhaul hook! Features Larger Contact Point, Conventional Penetration, an Arc Hook, Exceptional Pry Action, Combination Rake and Hoe, Handles made of Solid Fiberglass, Choice of Knob End, Stainless Steel Wear Sleeve, and Celtex Grips. Available in the following sizes: 4', 5', 6', 8', 10', 12...
We also offer our DYNAMIC-FOURSOME which features the "IRONS" - 8lbs. Force Axe, 30inch Pro-Bar, Marry Strap, and K-Tool Unit.