
Displaces moisture lubricates and inhibits corrosion. Silicone free. No gummy residue. Cleans away dirt and grease. Fills microscopic irregularities on surfaces

Provides corrosion protection to ferrous metal surfaces. Good for welded joints guard rails. Corrugated metal buildings refinery pipes. Best long term rust protection. Dry time set to touch in 3-5 min. hard dry in 48 hrs

An industrial strength lubricant that is ideal whenever silicone products are not acceptable and higher temperatures or pressure performance is required. Reduces clean-up labor time and costs. Safe for rubber wood and metals. Won't interfere with post-finishing operations. Durable up to 500Â?F (260Â?C) for extended periods. Unique lubricating qualities extremely effective against dust

Stops rust and corrosion on any iron or steel surface. Zinc-rich formula for long-lasting protection. Ready to use the application can be sprayed or brushed on. Drying Time -Tack-free: 3-5 min. Dust-free: 5-10 min. To touch: 15-20 min. Dry: 24 hrs

A high-grade moly grease that won't become brittle is not affected by weather migrates on metal surfaces to the core of wire rope and spring windings

500 lbs. Dark gray color allows easy visibility of application. Travels deep into wire ropes and exposed gearboxes and along cabling

Fast-evaporating low-odor cleaner for off-line equipment maintenance. Does not leave a film or residue. Safe on most plastics and metals. Does not contain CFCs HCFCs or chlorinated solvents

Precise scribing without chipping. Reduces glare. Quick drying. Contains no acids. Resists heat